Gang Wu,

Gang Wu
Fort Lee
2192399 NJ

Welcome! My name is Gang Wu. I have enjoyed working in real estate as a Coldwell Banker Salesperson in Fort Lee office. I love my work for many reasons but first and foremost, I enjoy being able to meet all kinds of people. To work and provide them the highest level of service, I assist in the smooth transition of the buying and/or selling process. Exceeding expectations and establishing lifelong relationships, my commitments have gone beyond the old standard of customer satisfaction but into a new standard of customer delights. I am dedicated to identifying and effectively define my clients' needs and goals. To help them achieve those goals, I implement a creative and constructive marketing plan while using my negotiating tactics for their benefits.

吳剛先生 是NAR GBA 註冊菁英地產經紀,就職於全美最大历史最悠久的地產公司COLDWELL BANER科威地產公司,它成立于1906年。COLDWELL BANER科威地產公司是全球最大的房地產公司之一,在世界各地擁有4,500個辦事處及125,000多個地產經紀人。在美國,每四家出售的房屋中,有一家是由科威地產公司代理的。被世界权威专业杂志评为全球年度房产中介第一名。吳先生所在李堡(FORT LEE)OFFICE更是評為北新澤西2022年度最佳地產經紀公司。吳剛先生以全奬獲得了美國大學的學士和MBA碩士,具有15年的銷售市場營銷經驗,讓他能更好的全職專營新澤西州BERGEN 和HUDSON 郡優質房產。對於每一個買家或者賣家,我們會根據客戶的需求給出個性化專業建議和方案,找出最適合客戶的買房或者賣房地產專案,陪同親自看房並做出詳盡準確的房屋評估報告,規避潛在風險,並提供完善的售後服務。我們團隊也為商業客戶提供商業地產買賣和生意轉讓服務,我們會提前核查全部信息並提前調整以規避風險,,保證交易按時順利完成。

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Sample Mortgage Rates

For 2/12/2025

30 Year Fixed
15 Year Fixed
7/6 ARM

For general informational purposes only. Actual rates available to you will depend on many factors including lender, income, credit, location, and property value. Contact a mortgage broker to find out what programs are available to you.

Mortgage calculator estimates are provided by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC and are intended for information use only. Your payments may be higher or lower and all loans are subject to credit approval.

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